Wednesday 30 January 2008

Blog links

Rita has been unscrupulous today! She has deleted some of the links to other blogs from her list of sites she likes to keep an eye on.

It is really annoying when a blog you really like to read persistently remains untouched and un-added to for months on end. You keep returning there, only to find the same old entry from September 2007 complete with the same 4 comments - and nothing new at all!

You keep returning there, hoping the person had been away on holidays, or had a time of total disinterest, or was lacking in inspiration - all to no avail! (It's OK, Lonie - you've just had a baby! That explains everything!)

I also like to read the dialogue between blogger and commenters. If the blogger doesn't engage with 'them that read their thoughts', it seems once again like a futile effort. It seems like it's a conversation where someone is talking to you and you sit there blankly ignoring them!

So - I've deleted a few from my list here. Poor old Whitey has had the chop, as has HRB and a few others of personal interest. And whatever happened to Smurf? I'll re-look at my links listing after a while, but for the time being, will consider this frustrating feeling of blogs not regularly posting or commenting before I add the links.
Posted on by Rita


Anonymous said...

Yes Rita, I've given HRB the flick too...I sometimes have a look from your link but it is dormant.
Whitey too. He just posts but never responds to any comment.
A bit strange that. Or gauche.
I keep you and Gobbler and have a look at a few others from your links. Goddess, etc.
That's enough, especially with the UK papers' food and review sections.
With you and Gobbbler, plus your regulars, you get a bit of banter. And an (often deserved) razz or three.
Thank you.

Rita said...

Cheers Sir G. I agree. Glad you still keep up with Gobbler and I. It's always noticeable when you & Gobbler haven't commented/blogged for a while.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rita & Sir G.
I must admit I like to write the stuff but often dont get the time to properly respond to the comments. I know that this might be a source of frustration for those seeking more of a dialogue but I my family would be pissed off if I spent MORE time on this than I already do!
As to HRB, I do wonder why she-he has given it away? Its a shame because it was that blog that first started the whole thing for me.

Anonymous said...

You mean you've, like, err, got a REAL life, Gobbler. Wow.
(It's okay you don't have to respond).
We'll understand. Even though we may feel sad.
PS, did you know on Roger's Profanisaurus a ``Goodnight Sweetheart'' is a final windy flourish from a married man to his missus before falling asleep?
Just thought you should know that.

Anonymous said...

I like the dialogue side of things too, a bit like shouting at the telly, but someone might actually be listening...but if I ever did another blog I think I would get all autocratic - the gentle readers can be seen but not heard; look but not touch. I expect it would turn a lot of readers off though, because one of the joys of blogging is the greater immediacy of it, than say reading a magazine or even a newspaper column.

beachsands said...

I'm finding it a bit strange out in blog land. I know some people are reading it, because they tell me they are. But no-one posts!! Crappy writing, boring, self indulgent, self obsessed well i could get it but no just an ominous silence. I'm like the initial post, but enjoy reading the comments nearly as much.
I'm still drawn to it though. I'm quite used to writing stuff that no-one reads. In yesterday's newsletter there was a very funny, but seriously bad mistake. It was not the fault of my lovely new person, rather my untidy handwriting. No-one has mentioned it to me. each year I spend at least 60 hours writing a mandatory document which is immensely dull and fiddly to do. Again no-one reads it. My immediate superior says that he does, but I doubt it. still it has taught me a lot about grammar.
So I shall continue to blog, because I find it enormous fun writing for pleasure again after at least 12 years of writing because I have to.

Lonie Polony said...

Oh dear. Time to stop being so greedy about sleep and get back to blogging, I suppose ;-)