Saturday, 1 April 2006


Anonymous said...

From the article MY BUSINESS (Mercury 1 Aug 2008)

Maya Cuatt
Cafe Saffron
49 Melville St

How do you describe Cafe Saffron?
It is my lounge room and my kitchen. I make everything and use as much organic local fresh produce as possible.
How long have you had it for?
I took over in October last year and we reopened in November.
Did you make any changes?
It was a takeaway shop with a bain marie, so we ripped that out and made it a cosy cafe with a relaxing lounge
and lots of fresh food.
Did you keep anything as it was?
I still serve up some great curries, there is always at least one on the go.
Has it been difficult letting people know that Cafe Saffron has changed?
Even though I’ve been in here for more than six months, there are still people walking in and saying
"oh wow, it’s changed".
Was choosing the right location important to you?
Location wasn’t a big issue for me. I believe in what I’m doing and that people will travel from anywhere if you
are doing good food.
What kind of food do you sell?
I have everything from a toasted sandwich, to hot soups, chilli con carne, handmade gnocchi to Moroccan lamb
mince with raisins, pine nuts, almonds and honey served with natural yoghurt and greens. I also make a lot of
baked goods and sweets and we have great coffee.
How often does your menu change?
My menu changes daily. Every morning I check out the weather and then I say it’s going to be cold and I’ll
make a variety of soups and a nice hot curry. If it’s going to be sunny, I know people will want wraps and maybe a
mild curry.
What has influenced your cooking?
My mum and my travels have been the biggest influences. My mum was an organic tofu and lentil hippie, so I
am big on organic because of her. In my travels to South-East Asia, Europe, New Zealand and across Australia I
tried a lot of different foods, so I have a very large cross-section of ideas and recipes.
What was the best lesson of the past six months?
What is popular one week may not be popular the next, so listening to my customers is very important.
What is the best business advice you have been given?
Get a book-keeper. I keep everything tidy and just hand it over to somebody who knows what they are doing.
It’s great because everything is done correctly and I have time to put in to the food and my customers.
What is ahead for Cafe Saffron?
Towards the end of August, I will be opening for brunch on Saturdays and it will something Tasmanians haven’t
experienced before. I can’t reveal anything yet.