Thursday, 4 January 2007

"You can't make good food with bad ingredients"..!!! the title of this post says - "you can't make good food with bad ingredients"!

Well - that's IT! That fatuous statement was made by a chef on TV today!
They have now thrown down the gauntlet! I choose to take it up!

I have never heard a more stupid statement for days! How many meals did anyone have while they were growing up, made with tender loving care by their mum or grannie, or dad or grandpa, or auntie, or next-door neighbour who was Chinese? Hands up if you have SOME kind of wonderful fond memory based round your tummy? What about that epitome of gastronomic delights - the wonderful Sunday Roast? And did the ingredients for that come from the Farmers Market or some wanky, trendy shop? Who knows, and what's more, who cares? The fact is that the meals produced many years ago were as good in their own way as todays are, without the hype of today. You grew your own vegies as much as you could, or bought them from the local shop. Who knows where the local shop got their produce, but wherever it was, we sure as hell weren't rejecting it on the grounds that it wasn't superior enough in quality for us!

Yeh - there were shit cooks and chefs round then, as there are now. But there were also some extremely competent chefs and cooks round Hobart, producing magnificent food for those with the curiosity, money, adventurousness and savoir faire to try it.

And I'm sure the French and Italians, to name but a few, would seriously take issues with that statement, given the history of their beautiful food over the centuries.

So - cut it out guys, and think before you utter such a put-down as that!
Posted on by Rita
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