Wednesday, 28 February 2007

4 Lunch for lunch

Lunched today at 4 Lunch (Collins St shop) - another one of those places I tend to forget about then remember only when someone else suggests going there.

It was really refreshingly unchanged from last time I was there, about a year ago. All the food hygenically and most attractively packaged, showing the food at its best.

The variety of (mostly) takeaway food should be enough to satisfy even the most fastidious and fussiest tastes and allergies. It is all appropriately marked vego, lactose-free etc as well.

They were as busy today as they were a year ago - a sure sign to me that all is going more than well, both business-wise and from the customers perspective. We usually vote with our feet, don't we?

I haven't been to the Elizabeth St or Eastlands branches, but presume there would be no difference to this original Collins St shop.

All in all - a great little place for a quick, nourishing, good value lunch. Try not to prolong your stay there though, if you're eating in! It's just not that kind of place.
Posted on by Rita


Anonymous said...

are you a fan of cold par-baked bread?
if you can spare an extra $3.50, try the chicken s/w at tricycle. well worth it.

Anonymous said...

Anon, all the bread at 4 lunch is cooked by their own bakers fresh every day

Anonymous said...

Just like Subway hey

Rita said...

Where/what's tricycle?

Anonymous said...

I think its that new sandwich place in the mall (between the deli and Starbucks).

Anonymous said...

it's a great little cafe outside the peacock theatre that all places in hobart should be checking out and learning from. small menu, well done!

try the choc milkskake, just like the good ole days!

Rita said...

I thought that was called something else? Oh well, if that's the one I'll hop down there next week & grab a chicky s/w 4 lunch.

Anonymous said...

ask for extra mayo!

Jazzy x said...

These guys had GREAT decent coffee. Shame they have no closed down (4 lunch Collins St)...Humble pie was also there, and is at Eastlands now instead...Their coffee is well worth a go