Saturday, 3 February 2007

Facing up to reality

It has taken me nearly 3 days, but today I have at last had to face up to the reality of the fact that GG is quite definitely not blogging any more. I have now reluctantly deleted his link from my listing of favourite sites.

I felt like I do when I've finished reading a book that I was really enjoying, and feeling as if I were truly part of the story, I was so enmeshed in it. In that instance, I usually try to read slower, punctuating my reading time with many more coffee and toilet breaks than usual, and stave off that inevitable minute that I actually have physically finished reading the book; the story is over; I have to put down the book and get back into real life as I know it.

I am quite surprised at my reaction and feelings about the demise of his blog site, so have tried to analyse my thoughts and feelings about this in an impartial and intelligent way. My friends are probably thinking my reaction is the reaction of a desperado with no life!

I would dispute this (well, of course I would, wouldn't I?). Blogs provide me, and I'm positive, many others, with conversations about many subjects in which they are a part. You can go to a blog page any time that is convenient to you and have a decent "conversation" with someone else with similar or opposing views to you but in a non-threatening environment, where no one is more or less superior or inferior to you. In other words, you're on equal footing within the blog environment. None of the confrontational attitude you might get in a face-to-face discussion or argument about something someone else might hold extreme views on.

What was special about the GG blogs was:
  • he was obviously committed to everything to do with food and consistently spoke, argued and wrote about it
  • he wrote quite regularly and often
  • his posts provoked so many interesting and stimulating responses
  • he was very well informed about his environment and the people therein
  • most of his posts contained the humour and sensitivity of someone with a good perspective on life. Sometimes he was very serious, and other times very much taking the piss.

All in all, life for me has taken on a decidely different path since last Thursday night.

I miss you GG, and I know for sure I purr in agreement on behalf of Food Kitty as well!

Posted on by Rita


Unknown said...

Being minor foodies ourselves and relative newbies to Hobart and the Huon Valley, it was a delight to discover GG's blog just on three days ago. How shocked and disappointed were we to find his blog has closed. What a loss. I didn't even get to finish reading all the entries, as I was savouring reading them over my morning coffee.

Such an entertaining, juicy/gossip licous, thought provoking, informative blog...for those in the know and just us curious ones.

His writings fulfilled my appetite far more than even the esteemed Tony Bourdain who now seems like such a network whore...(have you seen his new Travel channel series, No Reservations?)

Thanks for your thoughtful post Rita - it is great to find like-minded peoples here in Tassie.

Rita said...

Hey Nina - thanks for your comment. You're right about GG - his site is sorely missed, but if you keep searching the blog sites, I'm sure you'll come across his style of prose again. As I commented earlier, I'm positive a man with his passion about his subject won't remain silenced for long!
Keep on commenting. We love like-minded peoples participating in our blogs!