Monday, 12 March 2007

The Apple Factory at Cygnet

Had a chore to do at the family residence in Cradoc this morning. The steady stream of traffic heading towards Ranelagh persuaded me against fighting off the crowds for food at Taste of Huon, so headed instead for the more welcome climes of Cygnet. Now was my chance to check out at least one of those places Gobbler has mentioned.

The first place I came to was The Apple Factory, so that's where I stopped and ate. Most impressive.

The Apple Factory, for those of you who are coming from the Huonville side, is on the right hand side of the road (Channel Hwy) just a hop & step back towards Huonville from Pop's Place (which is on your left).

I'm giving you directions for 2 reasons - firstly, there will probably be a line of traffic behind you while you're looking for the place and trying to drive at the same time. They'll curse you bigtime if you suddenly catch sight of it & veer right, off the road the way you've seen many others do it!

I've also directed you to make sure you DO go there.

It's a great place with all the promise and expectation of country generosity, friendliness and great home-style cooking fulfilled in abundance.

I encountered Michelle at the front counter, who told me all about the history of the place, and showed me round. Then she and her workmate, Kate, took me on a guided tour through the bain. It was filled to brimming with all sorts of delights - egg & bacon pie (chockers with both, and a huge serve), lasagnes etc plus all the sweet goodies. All made there on the premises.

That makes so much difference. I realised how over the whole tried and tested thing I am, when I looked at their array of food laid out there. They didn't have to tell me it was all made on the premises, because it looked like it - and I don't mean that at all in a negative way. I think I've got so used to seeing, for instance, an egg & bacon pie, as the individual pastry-ey pie scenario with a few flecks of bacon and maybe an egg if I'm lucky.

It's extremely convenient for a cafe or restaurant owner, or chef to make up a batch of pies in this way, and serve them accordingly, but it was really refreshing to be able to see into the "guts" of the large family sized pie at The Apple Factory and see exactly what you were going to hit on when you took a mouthful of your pie slice.

I ordered the Hungarian Goulash and rice. It was fantastic. I couldn't eat my whole portion as I'd only breakfasted an hour before but gave it a good try. I also ordered, to take home for dinner tonight, a serving of Meatloaf. I will confess to having had a mouthful or two, just to taste it, when I put it in the fridge earlier. It's bloody delicious.

I will definitely return and I will tell everyone about it as well.

To continue our Rita-scale of numbering out of 10, I think The Apple Factory must be well up there - probably another 9.5, but for varying reasons to the POW.

I'd love to see the Huon Valley become somewhere like the Clare Valley in Sth Aust where people regularly head on the weekends to eat, drink and spend all their spare cash within their own state. It can only be good for our local economy.
Posted on by Rita


Food Kitty said...

One of the problems with having a base up the coast is that it does limit the time you have to explore other brilliant bits of the island - but now with so much good press about the apple factory - will have to seize some time, eh Rita?

smurf said...

smurfs back from a holiday to find what that kittys blog is now invite only wtf how do u get an invite?

Rita said...

Hey Smurfie - where you been?
I don't think Kittys blog is invite only. She sometimes makes comments to particular people, but I'm sure she holds you in extremely high esteem, so am sure you're on her invitation list!

Rita said...

PS Kitty - you'd better take a Sunday drive down the Channel sometime & check out these great places!

Rita said...

Oh oh - I just saw what you mean, Smurf, about Kittys site! It appears I'm not on the list either! God - don't you feel so rejected when they do that to you?
Oh well - at least we can bitch to each other!
I'm going to have to do a post entitled "Come back Kitty, all is forgiven!" now.

smurf said...


Its like one of the smurflings has gone how does one describe the feeling knowing that the kitty wont be with us till june thats just 2 long im devastated.
what am i going to do?

Rita said...

Geez Smurf. You're asking ME? I'm about to go into a mega-sulk about it, which will probably last till June.

What do you reckon we should do?

Suggestion 1 - create a new blog site, call it Food Kitty Too (or some such crap name) and contribute to it in her jargon till she gets back. Sort of like a placebo thing!
Suggestion 2 - try and live without her
Suggestion 3 - pretend she's still here
Suggestion 4 - ask her if we can go away with her
Suggestion 5 - focus on some other poor unsuspecting blogger & give them a hard time instead