Friday, 11 May 2007

Toulouse, Republic, Kaos

Today - lunch at Cafe Toulouse, dinner at Republic, hot chocolate and dessert at Kaos - it's all in a days work for poor old overworked, underpaid, overeating Rita!

I've already written about the Republic. Had the squid. It was yummy. Toulouse, with its revamped style (since the fire they had quite a while ago now), seems to have upped the prices bigtime. I think, just by having had lunch there twice in the past 2 weeks, I have paid for a new set of tables and chairs.

The food hasn't varied over the last 8 years that I've been eating there (intermittently). It's predictable, and not overly tasty or adventurous. It's not my choice of venue for a meal.

Kaos was busy but fine and not too noisy. A slice of the yummy lemon pie went down well with my white hot chocolate.

Lunch yesterday at my pub for counter meals - the Shamrock - was Roast Lamb. The standard was upheld, and of course, perfect. Just what I felt like.

Dinner last night was meant to be Chinese at LHF (as written about in my last post). I had previously sat at Mures with the Nellie Family (celebrating Nellie's sons 1st birthday) while they had Mures Marinade, which I adore, but bravely resisted their generous offers of a serving, saying I was on my way over to Lee How Fook for dinner! Famous last words.

Don't these things come back to bite you?

I think a quiet weekend is called for, restaurant-wise, don't you? Breakfast in bed on Sunday from one of my hordes of children? Probably not, as my own mother is expecting that, but dining in will be the order of the day.

PS Am trying to get a group together to see the Uni Revue - any takers? I promise we won't eat first at the Theatre Royal pub!
Posted on by Rita


Anonymous said...

kitty's back, rita.

Food Kitty said...

I am indeed back, but I think I'll have to drop the "food" from food kitty and hand the moniker over to foodrita.

As I get older i get deafer, and am subject to the hearing phenomenon of "recruitment"; it means that the noise behind me is often clearer than the words spoken to my face. Great if you are used to a lot pf people talking behind your back, but really crap if you are eating in a noisy place with lovely people whose conversation you want to hear. That is SUCH a long winded way of saying why I am reluctant to go to places like the Republic - sometimes really quite a lot of bustle. Good for a quick beer, but.

Rita said...

I know what you mean about the hearing thing. I know now from experience which places and times I need to avoid if I want to participate in any meaningful conversation, so generally do.

Republic on Fri night was meeting friends after work for a 50th birthday drink which turned into accompanying the drink with food. But - it was only 6.00, so it was easy to hear at that stage. Normally I'd avoid Republic like the plague because of the noise factor.

Anonymous said...

i'm with you kitty, I hate places like the republic where I am reduced to lip reading.