Saturday 29 December 2007

Keeping lettuce

Apropos absolutely nothing....................

I bought a Cos lettuce 5 weeks ago at Hill Street Grocers. I had read a few days before that about a method of keeping your lettuce fresher longer in the fridge than the standard few days.

So - I did as I remembered the article saying - left the lettuce intact, washed it thoroughly under cold water, let it drain, then wrapped it in a tea towel, put it in a plastic bag, then kept it in the fridge.

Would you believe that lettuce has maintained its original state absolutely perfectly? I have used it throughout that time whenever I wanted some lettuce leaves. Obviously I have been eating out a fair bit over the past 5 weeks, so it didn't get used as quickly as I had originally planned. But today I've given in and am donating what remains of said lettuce to Nellie's chooks - NOT because it's gone off finally, but because I don't think it'll ever rot!

There is not, and never has been, one iota of slimy leaf, or 'unfreshness' on the thing!

Can I take that to mean there are many preservatives used in the lettuce growing process? Or was that just a very effective way of keeping lettuces?
Posted on by Rita


Lonie Polony said...

Sadly, all greenery seems to turn to slime in our fridge. I buy with the best of intentions, but alas my diet just has no room for them

Anonymous said...

Hey Rita,
Merry christmas blah blah. Boy and I struck upon these vege/bread/cheese keeping ideas when we were poor students with a shitty fridge.

They're essentially vegetable bags, made by Gel-pack, purchasable in most supermarkets (all I've been to in Hobart) called... *runs to kitchen, can see box but now name...* Fresh and Crisp Fruit and Vegetable bags.

That said, I put bread and cheese in them and they work beautifully. You can re-use them also.

We've had broccoli and carrots for about 4-5 weeks, and I end up throwing them out because I can't remember when I bought them.

Lettuce keeps well for about 2 1/2 weeks (i actually don't think we've thrown one out for being rotten.) Perhaps with your lettuce tips and these bags we'd get a lot longer?


Anonymous said...

Lonie, you may have your fridge too cold as this will semi freeze the lettuce and it will go black with a slimey feel.

Rita said...

Hi Loney - it seems hrv is providing you with some sage chefs advice!

hrv - hope you're holding up with this crazy season going on round you.

Hi Amy - great to hear from you. Happy NY to you. I know the little bags you speak about, are they green? Have seen them at others places. Will get some myself to keep the cheese and bread in as well - check out your hint!

Lonie Polony said...

Thanks for the tip, hrv, but I think the main problem is I never get round to eating or throwing out the darn stuff before a moon or two has passed :)

Anonymous said...

Herbs keep wonderfully in a plain platic freezer bag or even a supermarket bag.