Sunday, 4 May 2008

Channel ramblings

I know my Channel venue eating recommendations seem to be dwindling somewhat, but I'm on the hunt for a new tune to hum in that area.

A trip to Kettering yesterday was Part 1 of my renewed vow to unearth some more Channel 'gems'. I had some late breakfast with Lee at Farm Gate, caught up with his news, then took a reccy round the area to see what I could see.

My assignment is to find some places with the following characteristics:
*an out-of-the-box venue that is consistently excellent
*where service is friendly, relaxed, competent and knowledgeable
*where they pretty well always have what you want
*it should include, but not necessarily be restricted to, eating places
*the various venues selected and recommended need to be able to encompass a few things in order to attract us lazy city-dwellers out of town for a drive where we see the benefits of being able to accomplish a few things at the same time - this being the multi-skilling, time-poor society that it now is!

One place I stopped at was the Oyster Cove roadside fruit and veg store. Now there's a place I haven't called in to for many years - and deserves a high recommendation. It will definitely be on my list of places to visit down the Channel. Where else could you get beautiful fresh (many local) fruit and vegies, honey, Bruny Island cheeses and jams and pickles? And something I've NEVER seen in Tassie before - alongside the boxes of new seasons apples and pears, a box of olives at $6.99/kilo. Not olives in a jar, or cryovacked pack, or marinated, but straight off the tree! WOW! I love that.


Tassiegal said...

Was down the chanel today for a yummy lunch at Divinage. Apparently (all going to plan) the house reno is actually going to be a resturant in about 2 years....

Rita said...

Good on ya TG for supporting Danni & Peter.

Anonymous said...

I use this veggie stall often, Rita.
And the one at Snug....the Snug couple are very nice indeed.

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for a McDonalds@Cygnet, I find all the other food down there shite.

Rita said...

Sir G - now I know where to hang if I want to trip over you!

Anonymous said...

I'll be the one downing a litre of Elgaar Milk outside the Oyster Cove market!

Anonymous said...

PS whatever happened to that chippie in North Hobart, the one that had the John Lennon mural?
I think it was called Paddingtons. The bloke in there was a really friendly guy and although his wares were very variable, I always enjoyed it.

Rita said...

The one that's now the Fish Bar, do you mean Sir G?
Fish Bar is also in King St, Sandy Bay (just down from Solo Pasta) and Bellerive, just near the cricket ground. The North Hobart shop is their most recent aquisition. I haven't been in the NH shop, but Bellerive and SB a few times. It's OK, but a bit highly priced, is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I discovered the North Hobart Fish Bar about a year ago and was a regular for many months. I found it good value considering the quality was consistently better than most fish and chipperys - especially good scallops and salads. Mmmm. I must pay another visit!

Anonymous said...

I found myself lunching yesterday with a good friend at the Mermaid Cafe in the Visitor's Centre next to the Ferry Terminal at the Kettering Marina. I feel it deserves a plug as an option worth considering in the Channel. The menu is varied from substantial mains to light lunch, service prompt and friendly. I usually seek out gluten free options. They do not restrict themselves to only offering gluten free bread. Yesterday it was a lasagne with 3 cheeses, pine nuts and vegetables. My friend had chicken breast fillets served over couscous. Servings are plentiful. We will return there I am sure.

Anonymous said...

yes Ginger, pals of mine have been going on about this place for a while too....I'm going to check it out.