Thursday, 1 May 2008


Rita has it on good authority (in fact from the man himself) that well known and much respected local chef extraordinaire Steve Cumper (ex Peppermint Bay) is about to finish out his current contract with the 4Lunch group.

We will watch this space with bated breath and see where his next culinary adventure takes him.


Tassiegal said...

Hopefully not to far from a kitchen!!
PS Thanks to your prodding I finally posted the Montys degustation review.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he can do us a rolls-royce souvlaki, Rita.....just to keep busy!
Tassiegal, read you review
in all its glory...well done on a nice report of a fine nosh.

By the way, food fraternists, anyone spotted any Sharwoods Curry Powders recently?
I can't find them. Pastes and jars, yes, but humble powders have disappeared from Coles, Woolies, Oasis, Lipscombe, Fresh etc, etc.
And I like em.

Tassiegal said...

Sir G - thank you for your kind comments. I THINK I saw Sharwoods the other day...if not I will look when I go to the big Island for you if you want....any particular ones?

Anonymous said...

Steve is taking up the pans at Sals in Silly Monkey. I am unaware in what capacity

Anonymous said...

good luck to the unfortunate souls who have to work with him. I hear he is an old fashion, pigheaded, manipultive kitchen manager who preys on the weak & basks in his own glory. I do believe that he is a passionate human with drive & has the ability to change a venue for the better

Rita said...

Sir G - you are SO cheeky, with your souvlaki comment!
TG - agree with Sir G - great review.
Anon 12.21 - I'm not so sure about that, but let's wait and see.
Anon 12.26 - way harsh. I agree he's old fashioned, but I would take that as a positive in someone (old fashioned inferring old fashioned manners and values such as aren't demonstrated today), and pigheaded, but I would also see that as a positive - as in someone who sticks to what they believe, despite all flak.
'Manipulative' - well, I defy you to show me one human on this earth that doesn't try to get what they want.
'Kitchen manager' - yep, that's a Head Chef.
'Preys on the weak' - well, as I haven't worked for him or with him, so can't say, but my perception based on conversations, is that he is a very fair person. He has admitted to me that he has learnt and is still learning about life, and looks back to things in the past and cringes at some things he's done, as have we all (I hope).
That's an indication to me of a good human. When we can admit to having made crap decisions, and done stupid things, then we are a lot better than others who can't/don't.
Just one look at the many high profile people making the news these days tells you that!

Anonymous said...

Whats up at 4 Lunch???


Anonymous said...

Anon 12.26
I agree with the first part, and I have worked with him.

Anonymous said...

He's off to Moorilla.

Anonymous said...

Now that's a load of B.S.

Anonymous said...

He and Sir Grumpy are going to open up a Dosa/Doner Kebab/Pie Floater/Fish and Chippery styled gastropub!

Anonymous said...

anon 12.38 I would have thought so too until I saw him with the owner twice in one week having coffee at salamanca.

Anonymous said...

God - I thought I was great at making assumptions till I read all this!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10.28-I have also worked with him and yes he was a hard task master. Several people couldn't handle that and at times I even found him difficult as he was always pushing us. I learned a great deal from him and I know others did also.

Anonymous said...

Could he be the group chef for a bigger organisation. They do have four outlets.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tassiegal but I think I'm on to some through a friend's local store.
Not that I'm pushed for
spices. I could set up my own shop, I have that many.
But sometimes you get a craving for a particular brand....well, I do.

Anonymous said...

Hey, anon, he's not opening up a chippie with me....Steve told me to fuck off, as I was a fat twat who was too stubborn to see the error of my front-of-house ways.
Or was that Gordon? Hmmm...

PS Rita, I did a pome for you on the Bill Granger's kinda shakespeare meets Benny Hill.

Tassiegal said...

Not a prob Sir G - if it comes unstuck lemme know.

Anonymous said...

No the chef that took over from Steve is the chef at Sals & Grape