Sunday, 14 December 2014

There's life in the old girl yet!

Welcome to the new look Hobart Food for Thought, or Rita's Bite as it has become better known.

As the new year of 2015 fast approaches (3 weeks away? OMG!), I felt it appropriate to fulfil a few of this year's New Years Resolutions, and getting this blog site in order was one of them!

The pre Christmas period starting round about 1st December is always a frenetic time of year but this year I have decided to relax into it, take a chill pill, and approach it all in a more simplified way.

The Christmas gift buying has been pared right back, and superfluous gift giving given the flick as I have just allocated books to children, and edibles to adults. That meant only one trip out of the house for the purpose of what constituted my Christmas shopping, as I had bought all my book gifts online, so they magically materialised at my house in due course a month ago.

The ultra sleek, edible gifts were all purchased at the wonderful one stop shop, Bottega Rotolo, in Bathurst Street. Their products are classy, look great and taste even better!

For the actual Christmas Day main meal, a marathon online perusal of my main food emporiums resulted in my placing a seafood order at Tasmanian Gourmet Seafood, and Hill Street Grocers, and that was the Christmas food catered for!

How much easier can this Christmas shopping lark be?

I wholeheartedly endorse this method of Christmas shopping. Christmas has come a long way since I was once, in a time too far back to remember, a young mother struggling to cope with life, especially at Christmas time.

I'm here to tell you that it does, in fact, get better and more manageable!

I hope you all have as wonderful quiet, or noisy, or busy or uneventful a Christmas as you desire, and I look forward to sharing food-related words of wisdom with you next year!
Posted on by Rita


rockoyster said...

Welcome back Rita. Merry Christmas! Hope we see Sir Grumpy back soon.

Rita said...

I hope we see the return of Sir Grumpy, but I fear I've been off the radar for way too long on this blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm still here :)

- Anon 1, 2 and 3,