Friday, 19 January 2007

Tassie's Movers & Shakers Episode 2

Hey - what about my prediction for Mary Donaldson as No1 Tassie M & S? Did I get that right or not? Or, in other words, how predictable are the Mercury?

The final listing of The Mercury's A List of Tassie's Movers & Shakers entitled (today) "The Top 20" came out in todays Merc - and there it was in black and white, as predicted by my good self last week, or the week before, Mary was No 1! Interestingly, Paul Lennon (our Premier, who, arguably SHOULD rate up there somewhere as being one of Tassie's M & S) wasn't on the list at all!

I reckon that list will put the cat amongst the pigeons with many in Hobart society who fancy themselves in that category. Imagine if you are, for instance, Paul Lennon or Michael Polley and see people like Michael Hodgman, or Bob Cheek, or John Freeman or Greg Barns rating in there as a named M & S, & you're not?

Ah well, as our French compatriots would say, C'est la vie!

My own listing (referred to in a previous post) is still a "work in progress". I stated I couldn't stretch to the 200 people as The Merc had. Well, I have to say, if we're looking at public personages, my list would number only about 20 that I could seriously consider as Hobart's top M & S.

Rated up there would be Les Winspear, for his contribution to fun, humour and talent in the theatre and arts scene in Hobart, plus the fact that he's a genuine, all round sincere and great guy anyway.
Also up there is John Honey - a great writer, conversationalist, bon vivant and many other things, but a really good guy as well.

Notice a theme there? Yep - I need to know them personally, and be able to swear on a bible that I can vouch for these people's personal integrity! Not for me the sycophantic listing of such well-known names as Boonie or Bob Brown et al! (Not saying Boonie or Brownie don't have integrity - just that I can't swear about it on my bible cos I don 't know them personally!)

I need to give my list serious thought, but it IS taking shape. Watch this space!
Posted on by Rita
1 comment


Food Kitty said...

hello Rita
great to see another tassie blogger on the scene.

agree with you about the list - I like to think of all those wonderful tasmanians flying under the radar out there, just doing what they do best - getting on with the job of making Tassie a wonderful place to be. look forward to the list - and i hope there is not a single Mercury columnist/media "personality among them...

hope the stinky red seaweed doesn't put you off Ebb.