Tuesday 14 August 2007

Rita is persona non grata at Sandy Bay Maccas

Yes - I'm sorry but I feel I must 'fess up. Now that Miss Anon has hinted at same in a comment here on my blog.

Last weekend, Rita, being the loving and caring granny that she is, took Nellie Jnr shopping with her. Nellie Jnr will be 3 next month. Nellie Jnr is doing extremely well with her potty training. Nellie Jnr & I have a great, fun relationship and love each other dearly.

We started at Wings. Halfway through the shopping, I heard the old catchcry, "Meemar, I need a wee". (Meemar is the name I prefer to be known as, NOT Granny!). "OK" says Meemar, thinking to self where the hell is the closest loo. Ah yes, Maccas.

We whizz into Maccas, use the loo and emerge. Nellie Jnr spies the play area, common to all Maccas. "Ooooh, Meemar, can I go on the slide?" "Yes, of course". So patient, indulgent Meemar waits for Nellie Jnr to have her fill of playing. (That'll never happen, really!).

Meemar thinks to herself that it's time Nellie Jnr was introduced to this delight of all foods, so offers to buy some chippies and ice cream for Nellie Jnr to snack on. I felt sure this was one place Nellie would NEVER allow Nellie Jnr to eat! I feel it's a Meemars duty to introduce worldliness to their grandchildren!

We ate, and played quite happily for a time. Next thing, Meemar looks at Nellie Jnr, and what the hell is she doing there?

She has niftily pulled down her pants & jeans and is doing a poo under the slide! Omigod! Shit! (Literally!). What the...?

Meemar is rational and sane about this. Meemar has already had 5 of her own children, and they tried hard to top this effort, but failed miserably! Meemar says calmly to Nellie Jnr "Why didn't you tell Meemar you wanted to go to the toilet? You are a very naughty girl. Now stay there while Meemar goes to get some toilet paper to clean up that mess".

So that's what Meemar did. She cleaned up the mess. She didn't yell or scream or get angry, or hit. That's the beauty of being Meemar not Mum. Having that once-removed relationship takes away the emotional see-saw. I love her. I accept her. I'm not responsible for her.

We left Sandy Bay Maccas amidst a reasonably sarcastic comment from the other mum there - pointed words about HER child being of similar age but wearing a nappy!

The staff, I gather, also not impressed with us hooligans using their restaurant as a toilet. Uh oh.

Bugger! Now there's another fine eatery whose doorstep I now can't darken again!

Thanks Nellie Jnr.
Posted on by Rita


Anonymous said...

Haa haa. I'm tickled. I have a four year old (now fully continent). So you have my empathy on this one. Sarcastic comments from others, well there's always going to be one over controlling perfect parent raising the next sociopathic serial killer.
Anyhow, reminds me of a comment I left on Gobblers post, just how many more people are going to name the new maccas burger "The McShit"!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your intuitive grandchild has just decide for me, with her singular act of civil disobedience, that one is never too young or old to be an activist!
Also from this day forward when ever I may be 'caught-short' in town, the Sandy Bay Macca's, under the slide, is where I shall also take a dump. A sort of homage if you will!

Anonymous said...

Yes i agree with the gobbler, nellie jnr deffinately shows signs of being an activist in the making! Lucky we all love her aye meemar!... NOW if that had of been me doing that as macca you would have put me over your knee and i'm nearly 23!!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a nappy on either, but I nearly needed incontinence pants for the giggling at this one.
Maccas is my personal toilet highlight in many southeast asian countries. The price of a burger is a small price to pay....

Anonymous said...

Oh McShit :)

Anonymous said...

A great act of deficating defiance!
Three year olds of the world unite.

Anonymous said...

MacPoo under the MacSlide......

Anonymous said...

I love this story....Nelie Jr has no time to waste. Take care of the basics and get on with enjoying life. Great ATTITUDE!

Rita said...

Cartouche. Glad you appreciated the story!
Gobbler. The thought of your naked butt taking a dump under the slide at Maccas Sandy Bay is really pretty scary for me, but on behalf of Nellie Jnr I thank you for the show of solidarity!
Miss Anon. You're absolutely correct in assuming I would have put you well & truly over my knee, and before all you lot of namby pamby anti-smacking lobbyists out there leap on me for smacking my "little darling" let me hasten to assure you that it was good I got in before she towered over me as she does now! I'd think twice before I smacked her now! (Doesn't stop me tho!)
Kitty. Glad that particular vignette lightened your day, Great to hear from you again.
HRV. I have a very definite feeling that the 3 yr olds of the world have very much united!
Marj. She's my secret weapon, so be warned!

Anonymous said...

Nellie Jr.'s mum will be very annoyed that MacDonalds has been near her child... brave to risk the wrath of your eldest... You better not be taking mine to Maccas Meemar!