Tuesday 27 November 2007


Anonymous said...

My answer is ....just keeping in touch with local foodie stuff Turkish. (You wondered what we were trying to achieve).
No achievement thingies come into it.
Do you judge everything by achievments?
It's fun for me and I suspect the others, ubless there are a few masochists responding (and if so, they're welcome too).
I find myself wondering why YOU read it, old thing. Shouldn't you be off achieving something somewhere else?
As my pater said to me after the household staff had retired below stairs one night at our country retreat: ``You gotta go wiv de flo, bro''.
``Thankyou pater,'' I responded, ``that will keep me in good stead for when internet blogs are invented.'' I hugged teddy, lifted my hottie-wottie-bottie and retired to my bed.

Rita said...

Sir G - time you grew up, young man!

Anonymous said...

Sir Grumpy's reply actually made me laugh out loud, very funny!

Perhaps Turkish is lost? Maybe he or she needs to be amongst 'their people' as opposed to 'you people'.

Rita I'm glad someone else trawls through their old posts checking up on snaeky late additional comments! I used to until I read some of my own petulant remarks!

Anonymous said...

Does every conversation have to achieve something? I'm with SGBF on this one.
But if you are looking for a point, then try this one; many of the people who comment and or read blogs are customers, would'nt you like to know what your customers are talking about or thinking? I know I do, plus I like to have a laugh with them from time to time, isn't that a part of hospitality too?

Rita said...

Hi Gobbler - I'm not really sure what exactly it is that Turkish wants. They ask the question of what we are trying to achieve. I don't know that we're specifically trying to achieve anything, other than that we're just a bunch of people with a common interest chatting amongst ourselves about it.

And yes, I DO trawl through my older posts occasionally, but I do have the automated acknowledgement coming through on my private email address telling me whenever someone adds a comment to ANY post, whether it's one that's 6 months old, or todays. So I can read the comments when they initially are put onto my blog (via my private email address) as well as going into my blogsite to check them out.

Rita said...

Hi Cartouche - some more great reasons to participate in the world of food blogging!

Rita said...

BTW - for anyone who wants to read additional comments of interest regarding this post - please refer to comments under the Coal Valley Vineyard review of a few days ago.