Sunday 9 December 2007

The Farm Gate Cafe & Providore, Kettering

Breakfasted at the above venue this morning with none other than my great friend Gobbler, and two of his youngsters.

We really put poor old Lee, owner and chef, under the pump with the two of us food bloggers turning up together! But Lee braved it out, and to his credit, won the day! Even despite Elaine Reeves (food writer for The Merc) also arriving to check the place out!

Lee must have felt truly beseiged by food writers!

I have to admit to being 100% impressed by both Lee and his cafe, as well as his staff, and attitude. I loved ALL of it - the full package he has on offer down there at Kettering.

Which makes his news of today even more alarming - and I'm going to leave it to Gobbler to write his true account of our conversation with Lee today, but summing it up - following complaints to the Kingborough Council from a neighbouring property owner (to Lee's pig farm where he grows his famous pigs) regarding the smell of the pigs (hello - it's a farm; it's a farming area; that's what people do in these areas; it could have been goats, or sheep or cows - they all smell!), Lee is looking at having to close down the operation, given that the very reason he established the cafe in the first place was to ultimately showcase his pork products.

The Kingborough Council need to seriously get with the program! They can't on one hand claim to want to be a tourism and farming municipality, then be so negative in solving these issues.
What do you reckon tourists want to do when they are in your municipality? Visit a few of your local residents houses for an afternoon cuppa? Or maybe drive down the Channel and sit in somewhere like Pecora or Farm Gate, eat local products and chat to the local owners and staff about your fabulous region?

Anyway - back to our food, and delightful time at Farm Gate this morning. Everything Graeme Phillips said about this place a few weeks ago in The Merc was true, but I think there was one thing wrong with his review - he didn't RAVE about it like I intend to!

I spoke to Lee on Thursday, and after some conversation, decided that I should be honest as to the reason why I had popped in to look at his menu and find out times of opening. I confessed to being Rita, at which he was gobsmacked, fessing up to the fact that he had been speaking about that very Rita not 5 minutes before I arrived. He had been talking to someone about the Lotus Eaters post.

So just be warned - I'm everywhere!

I had a sly poke at Gobbler in my comments on the blog on Friday morning about his non-appearance yet at Farm Gate and wasn't surprised to receive a phone call mid-Friday morning, with the caller id coming up as 'Gobbler'. He was laughing when I answered the phone and I knew exactly why! So - we arranged to breakfast en famille (with family) today and check it out together.

I'm pretty sure I speak for Gobbler as well when I say we both really liked the place. It's got a lovely 'feel' about it, and Lee really is one of those genuine guys - someone who wants his customers to feel they're in their own dining room, or one of their friends dining rooms, and wanting to give them beautiful, local, well grown food on his own terms.

I had one of those gut feelings about Lee that if I entrusted my life savings to him today, he would be the one person in a million who wouldn't be found sunning themselves in Acapulco tomorrow! I hate Bert Newton, but to coin one of his oft-used phrases - "I like the boy"!

There are different menu options for whichever time of the day you're there. Obviously we ordered off the Brekky menu, but I really liked the look of the lunch & dinner menus, so will be back soon to try either.

Gobbler had the Farmers Breakfast - 2 eggs cooked to your liking (he had fried) with bacon served on thick cut toast with chipolatas, mushrooms & homemade baked beans - $15.50. I had French Toast - thick cut toast (Summer Kitchen fruit bread) dipped in an egg batter, pan fried in butter, sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and maple syrup - $7.50. Lee also added a rasher of his fried bacon to this for me to try. The two Gobblers junior nibbled on fruit toast. All was delicious!

He does a beautiful looking Eggs Benedict served with his free range ham for $12.50, as well as a Farm Gate Omelet, a 3 egg omelet filled with home cured green bacon, onion, cheese, mushrooms & tomato for $11.50. Superb value and flavour!

Do you maybe get the impression I loved it there?

Enjoyment level for this one - with 5 being the most fabulous meal I ever had, and 1 being the shittiest - I rate as being 6! I can't say fairer than that now, can I?
Posted on by Rita


Anonymous said...

Being a mate of Leigh's and using his products for a fair while I can also say that Farm Gate is great! I went down for a quick bite several weeks ago with young Miss in tow and we had a brief but wonderful time dining and chatting.

I have known about Leigh's 'problem for some time and if you excuse the pun, it 'stinks'. How can a Council that lets a huge ammount of raw effulent pour out onto a public beach be so concerned about a little bit of PIG SHIT!. In all honesty how can a man who is dedicating a whole heap of money, time and resources to saving an endangered species be so victimised?

I'm glad you both liked it and Leigh, we will be down soon (being a bit crook of late)for a proper long lunch.

Anonymous said...

Rita and readers,
I have just rushed home from another busy day at the cafe with my first point of call being my computer to see what the results of my efforts were cooking for two passionate food lovers. I sit here with out doubt touched deeply by the comments made by Rita and Hrv. 12 hours ago I was willing to give up the fight for what I have built but after these comments and the support expressed to me by regular customers to assist in this battle I am now choosing to take on this battle not just so I can continue doing what I do but pave the way for others who may choose to do the same some day.
Rita, Goobler, Hrv and my good mates Luke and Kat at Pecora
Thank you

Rita said...

HRV - great to hear your sane words, and that you've been down & sampled the wares. I'll definitely be recommending it to one and all.

Lee (or Leigh) - I only tell it like I see it. I was 100% genuine in what I said about you and your business. If there is anything I can do to help, just name it.

Anonymous said...

Right on hrv re: the council!!

KCC can't even deal effectively with human effluent. The schmucks complaining about the pig/livestock smell in Kettering are lame.

Rita, did you notice opening hours/days for Farm Gate? Wanna get down there soon. These new places deserve our custom...

And Rita, well done on all the Channel (local) coverage. Good stuff!

Rita said...

Hi and welcome offtheshow - glad there are a few of us round in agreement with this kind of issue. The more, the merrier - maybe people power can make a dent?

Re the opening hours for Farm Gate - lovely Nola wrote them down for me on the menu she let me keep - Wed-Sun 9-11 (Breakfast); 11-4ish lunch and cakes/coffee. Dinner Fri & Sat 5.30 on.

Anonymous said...

Rita and Gobbler.
I hope you are both feeling very happy with yourselves. It sounds like Lee was really ready to throw it all in, and you two have managed to get him to rethink. Obviously your responses to his wonderful place has helped him decide that it will be worth the fight.Shame it has to happen at all though.
So Turkish, I think this is more than anyone could hope to achieve.

Please keep us updated on Lee's progress Rita.

Anonymous said...

Hi Christina,
I cant speak for Rita of course But at a guess I'd say, that we cant take any credit for talking Lee out of anything. He got a few things off his chest with both of us & a couple of friends the night before & so must have steeled his resolve to dig in.
I suppose if ever there was a compelling arguamnt for the immediacy of blogging & its worth then this is it. You dont have to wait around for the old media to decide to run this as a story-by then it could be Too late.
So on apersonal level I am pleased if this issue gets some widespread attention & that interested people such as yourself are tuning in to the situation as it unfolds.

Thanks for your continued interest support & I'm sure Lee & the cafe feel the same way.

Rita said...

Christina - thanks for the comments. I'd love you to go down and sample Lee's food, then come back & tell us what you thought.

I agree with Gobbler that it probably helped Lee talk to people in order to get those problems off his chest, but I reckon he's done it himself in coming to the only conclusion that works for him - to fight it. So bloody good luck to him, and let's all back him in the only way we can - by going to his cafe.

Anonymous said...

I wish nothing but the best of luck to Lee and his plight with the Kingborough Council! Suffice to say that he is not the only food producer who has suffered at the hands of the 'ever-so-complacent-until-prompted' Kingborough Council.From personal experience (and I've not received the same support from 'the foodies' of Tas. but that's a whole different blog) but it is the 'official' policy of the Kingborough Council to not act until prompted apparently. So it is the voice of the few who potentially affect the experiences and, indeed, the livlihoods of those who seek to provide a culinary point of difference. The only way to fight this is to band together and, for too long (sweep it under the carpet as you may) there's been too much division!