Steve's back in the fold...
I suppose it's old news now, but Steve Cumper (snapped by Rita, above) has moved from heading up the cooking side of the 4Lunch group to Red Velvet Lounge in Cygnet.
It will be interesting to see how RVL evolves under Steve's stewardship. I for one will be hotfooting it to Cygnet to sample some of Steve's culinary delights!
Well done, Sir Steve, and I'm genuinely delighted that you're back out there in the REAL world! I know we will all benefit from this move.
G'day Rita,
Thanks for the vote of confidence! Yes I have some long term plans for the RVL & I have always coveted the space ever since I moved to to Cygnet. Karen the owner & I have been in discussion for some time now & will be a good fit for both of us.
We will close on Mon 16 & Tues 17 of June for a minor stocktake/furniture move around before re-launching.
We'll be open from 9am seven days with an evolving dinner menu on Frid & Sat nights with an emphasis on food from the Huon & Channel.
Long term plans are to re-commision the massive Scotch oven out the back for breads, pies & pizza.
I've been doing shifts on the floor & I have re-aquainted myself with a new found & healthy respect for the workload that our fantastic floor staff do-I thought kitchens were tough!
I'll keep you posted!
are you going to spill the beans on the 4lunch saga????
Yes Anon,
I was contracted for a year to primarily focus on research & development of ideas for the possibility of going into the ready meals or convenience food market. Also I was in charge of production for all the bulk food items for the group including soups & pie fillings, at the large central kitchen in Mornington.
Tasmanian Food is expanding & the guys are working hard to become large & influential food manufacturers. They are a very dynamic & driven team & I learned much in my time within the group & I wish them every success.
Thats all there is to spill I'm afraid!
I guess then you oversaw the reduction in food quality, driven by the accountants desire to reduce the groups overheads,
and the sale of several of the non performing "sites" and the re branding of the pie?
4lunch seems to have lost market share and appears to be more interested in turning out pre made items from it's central production facility than retailing?.
4lunch expanded at a rapid rate and now seems to be retracting all be it at a somewhat slower rate.
Steve - is your departure an indication of the health of the company???
Those 4 lunch guys are only interested in the dollar & they treat staff with indifference, little wonder no one wants to work for them.
Lay off Anon. No one's going to 'cut their lunch' that badly in such a small town as Hobart. Assuming there are intrigues afoot that is (there always is!).
Well my questions are answered! My first thoughts are BRILLIANT!
I have drifted away from dear old Cygnet because the places just weren't doing it for me or Lady Fair.
Now I'll be back (lucky youse).
Noticed Cumper is the first Tasmanian Chef on the GM Charter that Graham Phillips wrote about in the Sunday Tasmanian.
What's this GM charter, then, innit.
Sir G - I too received a copy of that email, which GP referred to in Sundays paper - so have cut and pasted it below for your benefit....
"It was great to talk to you just now regarding the GM-Free Chefs Charter. Please find attached a pdf copy of the GM-Free Chefs Charter, which we invite you to sign up to. For more information on which foods are genetically modified (GM) please check and browse the True Food Guide - a guide to shopping GM-free.
Please find below the text of the Charter and list of signatories, as at the date of launch (29th May). As I mentioned, we are continuing to gain signatories nationally and hope to have an event in Melbourne in the next month, and possibly a briefing in Tasmania in this time (to be confirmed). I will follow up the lead you suggested with the Australian Hotel Association also.
To confirm your signature to the Charter or for more information on the issue, just reply to this email or call me on 0401 854 912.
Best wishes,
GM Free Chefs Charter
For the first time, genetically modified (GM) food crops will be grown in Australia. From May 2008 in New South Wales and Victoria, GM canola will be grown commercially and will enter our food supply.
As chefs and restaurateurs we aim to protect the quality, diversity and the flavour of food we serve. To do so we need to be positive that what we put on plates represents the best Australia has to offer. To do otherwise is to risk not only the well being of our clientele, but also the well being of our nation.
Because of the untested long-term risks associated with the growing and consumption of GM foods, we are strongly opposed to serving them – or ingredients derived from GM products – in our restaurants.
Statistics reveal that the majority of Australians do not want to eat GM foods and over recent years we have seen our customers’ growing concern about the origins, ethical treatment and corporate control of food.
Canola is used in an extensive number of food products, ranging from breakfast cereals to oil and margarine to bread. Once GM canola is grown on Australian soil, it will find its way into our diet as canola oil and meal. Even worse, we will not know that we are eating food that contains GM canola, because under current laws it will remain unlabelled.
In the US and the EU, and across the world the great growth area is in clean, green food products. We believe that it is not wise to give up our global, unrestricted GM free marketing advantage, particularly when the long term implications of GM food manufacture and consumption are not yet known.
Only two state governments, New South Wales and Victoria, have lifted their moratoria on growing GM canola – all other canola growing states have committed to maintaining their moratoria on environmental, health and economic grounds. We encourage the New South Wales and Victorian governments to join the other states and reverse their position for the benefit of the nation.
In the meantime, it is imperative that the federal government legislates for the labelling of all GM foods and food products derived through GM. This is essential so that Australians can make clear decisions about whether to buy GM free ingredients or not. The labelling should include all vegetable oils, starches, sugars, colourings, produce made with canola, processing aids and additives, as well as animal feed. It should also include the labelling of meat from animals that have eaten GM feed.
We are committed to Australia’s GM free status so GM free food can be prepared and enjoyed without hesitation across the country, by all Australians.
Chefs signed up:
New South Wales
Kimitaka Azuma of Azuma
Martin Boetz of Longrain Restaurant
Andrew Cibej of Vini
Serge Dansereau of Bathers’ Pavilion
Holly Davis, founder of Iku Wholefood
Peter Doyle of est. at Establishment Hotel
Alison Drover
Colin Fassnidge of Four in Hand Hotel
Margaret Fulton
Peter Gilmore of Quay Restaurant
Bill Granger of bills
Alex Herbert of Bird Cow Fish
Stephen Hodges of Fish Face
Ashley Hughes of Alio
Jared Ingersoll of Danks Street Depot
Ajoy Joshi of Nilgiris
Carl Kenzler of Ritual Restaurant
James Kidman of Otto Ristorante
Lee Kwiez of Milsons Restaurant
Kylie Kwong of Billy Kwong
Chui Lee Luk of Claude’s
Christine Manfield of Universal Restaurant
Paul McGrath of Bistro Ortolan
Matthew Moran of ARIA Restaurant
Sean Moran of Sean’s Panaroma
Justin North of Bécasse Restaurant
Armando Percuoco of Buon Ricordo
Neil Perry of Rockpool
Dietmar Sawyere of Forty-One & Berowra Waters Inn
Darren Simpson
Jeremy Strode of Bistrode
Warren Turnbull of Assiette
Stephanie Alexander
Marcus Allen of Interlude
Simon Arkless of Comme Kitchen
Michael Bacash of Bacash
Dwayne Bourke of The Argo & Clunes Hotel
Robert Castellani of Donovan’s
Dallas Cuddy of Verge
Neil Cunningham of Healesville Hotel
Dur-é Dara
Matt Dempsey of Pettavel Winery & Restaurant
Elizabeth Egan of Becco
Teage Ezard of ezard and Gingerboy
Geraud Fabre of France-Soir
Guy Grossi of Grossi Florentino & Mirka at Tolarno Hotel
Michael Lambie of Taxi Dining Room
Sam Lynch of Original Foods
Luke Palmer of Fork to Fork
Tobie Puttock of Fifteen Melbourne
Virginia Redmond of Cicciolina
Patrice Repellins of Koots
Chris Rodriguez of Grossi Florentino
Ben Shewry of Attica
Annie Smithers of Annie Smithers Bistrot
Joseph Vargetto of Oyster Little Bourke
Matthew Wilkinson of Circa, The Prince
Paul Wilson of The Botanical
Alla Wolf Tasker of Lake House
Western Australia
Don Hancey
Ian Parmenter
South Australia
Maggie Beer
Philip Johnson of e'cco bistro"
Ta Rita.
Thanks Rita-That was the old list of chefs, check out & follow the prompts to the ge chef list & charter for the updated list.
I cant believe Scott Butler is the chef at 4 Lunch-What is HE doing there!?
what do you mean about scott b.
I mean he is a fantastic talent wasted in making sandwiches!
i could not agree more. for me, feast is still the best restaurant i have been to in tasmania. with all due respect, perhaps business is not scotts' forte.
sir grumpy, with all due respect, your literary dillusions are of the clever pubescent style. many a person has come unstuck thinking they have a bit more sophistication and cosmopolitan experience than your common tassie folk. we're in a position to excell in the area that we all have in common, food, don't be pompous, sir grumpy you'll miss the boat.
What the hell are you on about Anon 11:52 (!)
I am common Tassie folk, as common as it gets.
I do have delusions, though.
I too have delusions Sir G.
I can't think of anyone more sophisticated or cosmopolitan than you.
Oh no! Was that nepotism, or more like, "I'm your number one fan" in a Stephen King, Misery, Mr. Man, Cathy Bates, sort of way.
Or is it more "birds of a feather"?
I'm nearly too bloody scared to say a word. I'm sure there's a hit list with all our names on it!
I love youse all! Don't change a bloody thing!!! Especially you my dear Rita. There goes that nepotism again. {If it's not a word it should be! Love it!}
Sir G, Great offering in our small hmble town of Cygnet, but your putting the 'c' back into country service, pity about the vino list from one supplier only, lacks full understanding of wine & food, pity, but best for luck.
The Bishop
Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.
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