Sunday, 21 June 2009

Another Thermomix demo

Fee Hoskins (of Fee and Me fame) kindly consented to do another Thermomix demonstration for Rita – this time at Rita-daughter Nellie’s place. Amongst those present was the familiar face of ex Food Blogger, Food Kitty, accompanied by husband Mr Bok. Those readers of local food blogs who were round a few years ago will remember with much fondness Kitty’s sharp observations of food, restaurants and hospitality generally. I for one very much miss her commentary on the local landscape.

She is pictured above with Fee testing the power of the Thermomix.


Anonymous said...

Were there any purchases made Rita?

Rita said...

Not sure Anon.

Anonymous said...

Have you bought one yet Rita?

napkin guy

Rita said...

Oh Napkin Guy - you've caught me in a dilemma! I would kill for one, but there are a few sane reasons why I shouldn't commit to one at this point. Am currently still trying to decide about it.

Anonymous said...

It's alright Rita, you can come around and use ours :)

Mr Nellie

rockoyster said...

You've read the reviews . . . now watch the video!

sir grumpy said...

It looks quite a big thingy, Rita. Why would you need it?

Rita said...

Thanks Mr Nellie - I will be over each night round 6.00 pm - warm up the TM for me!
I think that answers your question, Anon 1.55! It would appear that sales were indeed made!
Thanks RO.
Sir G - it's actually smaller than my food processor, on the benchtop, so no, I don't think it's quite a big thingy at all.

Anonymous said...

Three sales, Mum. Not a bad night's work for Fee?

Rita said...

THREE sales Nellie? How amazing! It looks like TM is set to take over the world! I look forward to hearing what enlightened food you guys make with your TM's.